Saturday, September 5, 2009

Engagement Shoots

I am a big fan of doing engagement shoots with Brides and Grooms. It is about getting great photographs and those engagement photo will be memories that can be printed for your wedding day in a book or as a large photo for people to sign. But I think there is also a more important reason for including an engagement photo session before the wedding with your photographer.

I have noticed a very large difference in the quality of the wedding day photos between the couples who did do an engagement photo session and the couples that did not. In my opinion it is because of familiarity. When I approach the wedding day the couple who spent two hours with me before hand see me as a friend. They are much less self conscious of a photographer pointing a camera at them. They are not as shy. The couple has taken the experience of being photographed by a professional photographer and built upon the ideas we worked with beforehand. They have so much more fun with the photographer the second time around and everything is much more relaxed. The couple knows what to expect.

From my point of view, I also have an idea of how they react in front of a camera and I have learned more about hw to get first class photographs with the Bride and Groom. So it may cost a bit more money. It may take some time out of your life. But, I always hear that it was great fun and the memories of that time in the couples life are priceless.